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Saddam Hossain Weekly #6

08 December, 2023

Issue #6 of the Saddam Hossain Weekly:

Check out what's new this week and enjoy the read.

.NET and C# Top Picks :

I love to write test code in my projects, aiming for more than 80% test code coverage. Regardless of the architecture I use for my project, whether it's N-Layer architecture, Clean architecture, or Vertical Slice architecture, I write test code. The developer themselves should write the test code.

I always use CQRS in my Clean Architecture projects. Clean architecture can be maintained with or without DDD, depending on the requirements.

This week, Milan Jovanović released excellent videos about the Application Core Project Setup with DDD, CQRS, and unit tests. That's really awesome!

Unit Testing Business Logic The Right Way | Full Tutorial []

Clean Architecture: Application Core Project Setup with DDD, CQRS []

Meanwhile, Saeed Esmaeelinejad shared information about .NET Aspire: How it works behind the scenes. That's really cool!

.NET Aspire: How it works behind the scenes? []

YouTube :

Primary Constructors in .NET 8 []

Weekly Dose of Humor :

When I realize the bug that’s making me laugh on my local machine is actually present in production too []

About the Blogs

As a dedicated .NET developer, I maintain a Patreon account where I share exclusive content related to .NET development. There, you will also gain access to the codebase of this blog post. By becoming a Patreon member, you will have the opportunity to explore and learn from my projects firsthand.

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